Casual/Temporary Employees
ID Center Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
We accept walk-in visits, but appointments are encouraged.

ID Cards for casual/temporary employees are issued by request only. If an ID card is required, the hiring department must complete the information in Workday. It may take one to two days after the employee receives their NetID to produce an ID card. Please call an ID center before sending the employee to pick up their ID card. Please note, there is a six-month maximum duration for all casual/temporary ID cards.
Per Yale policy, ID cards cannot be produced until the background check has been successfully completed through the hiring department. For questions regarding the background check policy and procedures, please contact
The casual/temporary employee will be required to present one of the following forms of government-issued photo identification to obtain their ID card:
- Passport (USA or International)
- Driver’s License (USA only)
- State-issued (Non-driver) ID
- US Military ID
- INS ID (Green Card)
For renewals, employee must work with their business manager to update their ID card in Workday. All expired cards not being renewed must be turned into their department business manager.